baby cannon

Baby Cannon 1. A human female of child-bearing age. 2. Vulva, vagina, or entire reproductive system. A baby cannon is loaded by inserting a primer charge in the barrel (vagina). The baby cannon will fire nine months later, unless there is a baby cannon misfire, or if you unload the baby cannon. It is important to periodically clean the baby cannon. For a period of several days a month, a female whose baby cannon is not loaded experiences a condition where her baby cannon is leaking. The condition can be mitigated by inserting a baby cannon plug. Baby cannons are unique among guns in that the bore diameter increases with age. Baby cannons are usually single shot weapons, but occasionally fire two or more shots, sometimes with a magazine holding up to eight rounds, and firing on full-automatic - see octomom.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to baby cannon. Some of the top words include: cuntages, Tuna-Town, Putcey, bullet, boob, and 25 more.